Ways To Help Hurricane Sandy Relief Efforts

Since we lost power for a couple of days, I never really knew the horrible devastation that it caused, until we got our power back. I’ve been wondering of ways of how I can help. Here’s an awesome blog that gives some information and what we can do.
Thanks Le Zoe Musings!!

I received a call tonight from my sister who lives in NYC informing me that the babies in Staten Island are in need of baby formulas and diapers. As a first time mommy, it broke my heart and can’t ever imagine my Zoey not having clean diapers or enough to eat. I’m doing my part (to the best of my ability) to make sure that the babies receive whatever they need through this tough time and am just so grateful that I’m in a position to be able to help.

New York and its neighboring states are suffering from the devastation caused by hurricane Sandy. Please help in any way that you can, whether big or small will be greatly appreciated.

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And here’s a link that gives you 12 ways to help hurricane Sandy relief efforts. I’ve listed some below:

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