Mani-Monday: NYC Long Wearing Nail Enamel (Part 1)

Hey Belleza’s,

Happy Memorial Day!!

So yesterday, I was at Rite-Aid picking up a few things when I saw a display of the NYC Long Wearing Nail Enamels. What really caught my eye was the price! They were only .99 ¢ ! So, I grabbed up all the colors that they had left.

After swatching these polishes, I found that they were a bit thin. I did need to apply 4 coats to get an even coverage. Overall, I did like the polishes and would definitely buy more of them.

Tudor City Teal:



Skyline Blue:SAM_3861


Preppy Pink:



Fushia Shock Creme:



Pink Champagne:



These are not all the polishes I purchased. I started getting a headache from all the polish fumes, so I decided to stop. I’ll be posting the next set of swatches for the next Mani – Monday.

Have you tried these polishes? If so, how did you like them?

BellezaKisses: 4/5

5 thoughts on “Mani-Monday: NYC Long Wearing Nail Enamel (Part 1)

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